Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Your answers surprised us

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Of the hundreds who took our survey, 43% of you said you were looking for a "guaranteed process to identify profitable business opportunities."

This made us wonder... did you know that we actually sell an eBook that provides a detailed step-by-step overview of this exact process?

learn how to identify profitable business opportunities Our EBusiness Startup Handbook is a brand-new guide we created to help you overcome the enormous stumbling blocks that many aspiring entrepreneurs encounter when they're first starting out online.

This comprehensive guide walks you through every step of the initial market research you need to do if you want to ensure the success of your business BEFORE you invest a lot of time and effort in building it.

Your initial market research is the most important step of building your business. If you learn how to accurately identify a profitable business opportunity then 90% of the battle has been won! Compared to this stage, acquiring a product to sell and building your website is child's play.

The #1 Reason People Fail

So many people think they can just skip this step. They think they already have a great idea for a product to sell online, or they figure they can just sell any old product and they will eventually be successful.

But when you DON'T know how to properly do your initial market research, your chances of growing a profitable online business are about as good as winning the lottery. In other words, pretty darned slim.

If you're just starting out, we urge you not to let your success be based on random luck.

Discover the proven step-by-step system that will enable you to recognize great money-making opportunities when you come across them. It really is the only way to guarantee your success right out of the gate.

To learn more, click here now. Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook

To your success.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Avoid the #1 mistake that KILLS new websites

eCommunity Members Events Forum Chat

Power Vegetables In A Drink
Philippine News Online
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Today I have a new resource to tell you about that will stop you
from making the common start-up mistake that KILLS many new

It's called the "Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook," and it's a
must-read for anyone who wants to build a profitable long-term
ebusiness on a solid foundation.

Download it, and you'll avoid wasting massive amounts of time and
money getting your new business started.

What I like most about this Handbook is that it uses simple
language and lots of examples and graphics to clearly explain the
step-by-step process you need to follow to find a lucrative
online market with minimal competition.

Start your website *without* doing this critical groundwork first,
and prepare for a long and costly battle...

You'll struggle to attract visitors, to get ranked in the search
engines, and to convert the few visitors you do get into buyers.

Worse, you could find yourself going head to head with the
Internet's toughest -- and most well-funded -- competitors, like and eBay.

The "Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook" was produced by the experts at
the Internet Marketing Center, who have generated over $100
million in sales online, so you know you can trust their advice.

I highly recommend you take the first step toward financial
independence by downloading this Handbook right away. You'll be
giving your new website its best chance of success.

Download it now at: Ebusiness Start-Up Handbook

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